Happy Holidays! ...from our back deck! After being completely inspired by the talented work of my fellow designers at Hoerr Schaudt, I made my first meager attempt at winterizing our planter containers. We had several trimmings left from our Frazier Fir Christmas tree and then we went out and got some Red Osier Dogwood branches to add some color as well. Can't wait to see it once the snow falls tomorrow! I know they're pretty simple but now that I know how to create them I'll probably go all out next year. Hopefully we'll also have some more containers by then!
In other condo news, we FINALLY finished our ongoing light installation project! We got it up this afternoon, and I must say it is so very nice to have a real light again, rather than a hole in the ceiling. We've also updated our bed linens, blankets and pillows. Next, I'll be working on some artwork to go above our bed. So many more projects ahead! Happy Holidays!